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The Discovery Call

The Discovery Call is a great way for us to understand where you are now and to discover your health challenges and goals. 

We will also let you know how we can help you accomplish your health goals by taking an approach completely different than what you’ve tried before. The focus at The Johnson Center is on restoring health rather than focusing on disease.

We'll share how a comprehensive, personalized, and data-driven model is going to help you achieve your goals, upgrade your health and provide optimal wellness.

By the end of your 20-Minute Discovery Call, you'll have a clear, actionable plan that will help you regain your energy, focus, and confidence and live your best life. 

There is no magical diet or supplement for optimal health. The key is to know your own unique biochemistry by testing. We take a deep dive into your microbiome, stress markers, energy pathways, detoxification pathways, hormones, nutrient status, oxidative stress markers and genetic vulnerabilities and strengths.  Only by extensive testing will we be able to formulate a wellness plan that is suited specifically for you. 

Call today if you are ready to look your best, feel your best and perform optimally both mentally and physically. At The Johnson Center we are reversing aging and freeing you from the debilitating cycle of inflammation, obesity, pain and disease.

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