Schedule a Free Discovery Call
Chat with a Johnson Center for Health practitioner and discover:
What traditional medicine has left out of your care
Why looking at root causes will help you heal
How science-backed treatments will help improve your longevity
Why paying attention to your cellular health will make aging easier
The secreting to feeling like yourself again
Book a Discovery Call here or call the nearest location to schedule.
(276) 235-3205
Virginia Beach
(757) 364-3834

If you’re not local to Virginia Beach or Blacksburg, VA, no problem! Meet with the practitioners at the Johnson Center for Health online.

See what others are saying about The Johnson Center For Health
“Dr. Johnson and her team get to the root of your health issues for optimal health. What a relief to know I wasn’t crazy and the solution was not to pop pills for the rest of my life. I have never had a doctor spend such quality time explaining test results to me as Dr. Johnson did. Following her program, I was able to see immediate and lasting results!”
Start Your Journey to Optimal Health in Virginia
With options for in-person and virtual appointments, we’ll harness the power of functional medicine to help you achieve balance at the cellular level so you can improve your longevity and find renewed energy, lose weight, fight brain fog, solve GI issues, and more.
Some of our most popular services include:
It all starts with a free discovery call!

Invest in Your Health
Here are some questions we hear most often about paying for your treatment at our clinics.
There’s a lot of skin care out there. How is this program any different?Even the most expensive and exclusive skin care works from the outside, with creams, serums, and treatments that you put on your skin. Our program works from the inside out, helping your skin’s cells strengthen and regenerate in a way that is impossible to do from the outside. While we won’t tell you to throw away your sunscreen or serums, our treatments will add a layer of support and healing you can’t get anywhere else.
What is functional/cellular medicine?Traditional medicine looks at large sample sizes and determines what works for most people. But here’s the thing--your DNA is made up of genetic sequences that are completely unique to you, so the law of averages won’t give you the optimal results. We use personalized medicine based on your exact needs, all the way down to your cells. Using family history, blood tests, genomics (your genes), metabolomics (metabolic profile), and epigenetics (your lifestyle and environment), we customize your treatment plan to what will work for your body—and yours alone.
Where can I get more information on the program?You can read our extended description of the program here, or schedule a free call to talk to one of our expert practitioners to learn exactly what the program would entail for your specific needs.
How long before I start seeing results?There are a lot of factors at play that will determine the speed of your results. The most important is the current health of your skin. If you have more damage, it will take longer to repair. Working from the inside out is ultimately more effective, but does take longer. In general, most of our clients see results in 3-4 weeks.
How much does it cost?Our 8-week skincare program starts at $200. You can choose to pay in two different ways—you can pay in full, upfront, for a discount, or you can pay as you go.
Does this really work?Just like a cream or serum is going to have no effect if you leave it in the bottle, our program works best when you put in the effort. You will need to commit to making lifestyle changes and incorporating your supplements and other therapies into your schedule in order for the program to be the most effective and impactful.