Genetics vs. Genomics Based Personalized Medicine
Your DNA is made up of genetic sequences that is 100% unique to you. Following generalized medical advice may work for some but the majority of people are still struggling with health issues. Environmental factors are also extremely important but it is your genetic blueprint that ultimately determines what influence they will have on your health.
Genomics-based personalized medicine is a transformative approach to healthcare that tailors medical treatments and interventions to an individual's unique genomic makeup. This shift from a one-size-fits-all approach to a more tailored strategy allows for customized therapies while minimizing potential side effects. Furthermore, genomics-based personalized medicine has the potential to revolutionize disease prevention and early detection by identifying individuals at high risk for specific conditions, enabling targeted screening and preventative measures.
True personalized medicine can only be obtained by looking at your Genome.
Genomics is not Genetics
Genetics and Genomics are not the same. The two terms are often used incorrectly.
Genetics is the study of single genes and their role in the way traits or conditions are passed from one generation to the next. Some examples of genetic or inherited disorders include cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome, hemophilia, Huntington’s disease, phenylketonuria (PKU) and sickle-cell disease.
Genomics is a term that describes the study of all parts of an organism’s genes. Genomics is looking small changes in DNA that by themselves do not cause disease but in combination can contribute towards ill health or illness. Most are modifiable by lifestyle factors such as nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress reduction.
Clinical Genomics is not the same as the direct to consumer services that you will find on the internet such as 23andme. A report in the NY times reported that 23andme is only about 60% accurate. You do not want to have erroneous information regarding your genome!
What we have learned in past several years is that it is the epigenome, lifestyle factors that turn genes on an off, that is actually more important than your genome. This is why knowing your genome and then making intelligent and precise decisions with supplements, diet and exercise can keep the ‘bad’ genes from being expressed.
At The Johnson Center we take everything into account to provide you with a blueprint on which to create your roadmap for health.
We incorporate your genome, bloodwork, metabolome, personal history, family history and lifestyle factors to create a customized and personal health care plan. Your Wellness Plan is a pro-active, actionable and preventative approach to health.
This is how to thrive and live a long and healthy life in the 21st century
Heart disease is the number one cause of death across all age groups, sexes and most ethnicities. One person dies every 37 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease.
While the majority of heart attacks occur over the age of 65, 4% to 10% of all heart attacks occur before age 45.
Read more about a few genetic variations that increase your risk of heart disease at any age. All are modifiable and can preventative.
Case Study: Heart Disease Risks
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