Reversing Long COVID
More than 40% of people who survived a COVID-19 infection now experience the long-term effects of Long COVID. This condition encompasses...

Symptoms of Long COVID
Have you been feeling more fatigued lately? Have trouble catching your breath? Or have a persistent cough or headache? If so, you might...

Are You Working Out Too Much?
You won’t be surprised to hear that exercise is great for our bodies. Physical activity benefits bone health, weight control, heart...

Liver Spots & Cellular Deterioration
Look down at your hands, do you see any small, dark flat dots on your skin? Many of us know these pesky little spots as liver spots....

What You Need to Know About Delta COVID-19
The newest strain of COVID-19 is known as the Delta variant, or the B.1.617.2 strain. The Delta strain is one of the most advanced...

Noticed Changes in Your Menstrual Cycle After COVID Infection or Vaccination?
Have you noticed changes in your menstruation following a COVID-19 infection or vaccination? If yes, you’re not alone. Women around the...

Losing Your Hair? Here's Why:
How’s your hair doing? Have you noticed more hair falling out lately? If you have, you’re not alone. 34% of women and 67% of men are...

Are You Sure Your Symptoms Aren't Chronic COVID?
Have you been feeling more fatigued lately? Have trouble catching your breath? Or have a persistent cough or headache? If so, you might...

Are you safe from Chronic Covid? Probably not.
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, more and more information is emerging about what happens after we "recover" from COVID-19. For...