Organic Mineral Sunscreen: Your Skin's Best Defense
Hey there, sun-loving friends! It's time to slather on that sunscreen and soak up the sun safely. But with so many options on the market,...

2023 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen
Recently, the Environmental Working Group (otherwise known as the EWG), has released its updated list of the 12 “dirtiest” and the 15...

Heavy Metals in Your Dark Chocolate?
Many people, including Dr. Johnson, tend to grab a piece of dark chocolate when looking for a guilt-free sweet treat. But unfortunately,...

Questions for a Functional Medicine Doctor: Is Mold Causing My Chronic Fatigue?
Have you been feeling more tired lately? Finding difficulty in memory, focus, and concentration? Or maybe even experiencing dizziness...

How to Know When You're Due for a Detox
When your body becomes overloaded with toxins, it will send you signals that detoxification is needed, pronto! Weight gain, skin...

The Root of Your Grey Hair
How often do you find yourself in front of the mirror looking for yet another grey hair? Grey hair is one of the most obvious signs of...

What is a Normal Menstrual Cycle?
While for many women, their period may seem like a monthly hassle, in the functional health community, it’s known as one of the five...

Do You Know What's in Your Favorite Fast Foods?
While we have all been told dozens of times how unhealthy fast food is, do you actually know why fast food is detrimental and how it...

Are You Starving Yourself of Nutrients While Eating Healthy?
When you dig into a big salad, you expect to be flushing your body full of essential vitamins and minerals. And while this may have been...

dnaMD- How Well Can You Detox?
Everyone knows the human body is mostly made up of water. But did you know the second most abundant molecule in the human body is a...