What you need to know about mold and its impact on your health
Have you been feeling more tired lately? Finding difficulty in memory, focus, and concentration? Or maybe even experiencing dizziness...

Heavy Metals in Your Dark Chocolate?
Many people, including Dr. Johnson, tend to grab a piece of dark chocolate when looking for a guilt-free sweet treat. But unfortunately,...

Questions for a Functional Medicine Doctor: Is Mold Causing My Chronic Fatigue?
Have you been feeling more tired lately? Finding difficulty in memory, focus, and concentration? Or maybe even experiencing dizziness...

How to Know When You're Due for a Detox
When your body becomes overloaded with toxins, it will send you signals that detoxification is needed, pronto! Weight gain, skin...

Are You Starving Yourself of Nutrients While Eating Healthy?
When you dig into a big salad, you expect to be flushing your body full of essential vitamins and minerals. And while this may have been...

Hidden Toxins in Your Swimming Pool
Ever notice the “chlorine” smell that often accompanies you after a trip to your neighborhood pool? That smell isn’t actually chlorine....

Get Grounded!
Now that the weather is finally warming up, take a break from your computer screen and restrictive shoes, and head outside barefoot to...

The Solution to Your Anxiety is More Than Just a Pill
Excessive worrying, agitation, restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, tense muscles, insomnia, social avoidance,...

Exhausted? Blame your Mitochondria
In our blog on Chronic COVID & the Brain, we gave an overview on chronic COVID-19 and the importance of mitochondrial health. But the...

Biohacking with Bioactives
The importance of vitamins and minerals has long been at the forefront of diet and nutrition. While these micronutrients are very...