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Nutrigenomics. A Gamechanger to Achieving Optimal Health

Updated: Dec 9, 2020

Ready to make a lasting change? It's time to abandon the latest fad diets and start committing to long-term health and wellness improvements. The one-size-fits-all approach that has dominated the field of nutrition for years does not work. Following a personalized, genetically tailored health and nutrition plan is the only way to maximize and sustain long-term weight loss and health goals.

Studies have shown that following a personalized genetically tailored nutrition and health plan result in clinically significant long-term results. Tailoring diet and health recommendations to an individual’s genetic profile has been proven to be more effective at producing behavior change than generic population-based recommendations.

In a recent study produced by the BMJ, British Medical Journal, researchers concluded that weight management plans guided by one’s DNA “motivate long-term improvements in dietary fat intake above and beyond gold-standard population-based interventions.” These researchers, through a randomized controlled study, followed participants in two groups. One group followed a generalized population-based weight management intervention and the second group followed a diet plan based on their genomics. This was a year-long study and the authors concluded that diet and nutrition plans directed toward one’s own genetics were much more effective than more generalized diets.

A 2007 study showed that by following a DNA-based diet 70% of the individuals in the study maintained weight loss after 300 days vs 30% in the control group. Several other studies have also shown that comparing individuals given a personalized DNA based weight loss diet had greater dietary adherence, longer-term maintenance of weight loss, and greater improvements in blood sugar levels.

But what does a nutrigenomic approach to weight and health management look like?

Your genomics can clearly demonstrate your genetic response to foods, like dairy. Dairy contains lactose that if not broken down can lead to gut issues such as abdominal cramping, bloating, and diarrhea. Lactase is the gene that breaks down lactose. Many do not carry this gene after childhood and so do not tolerate dairy. Most of these people know to avoid dairy due to GI issues, but you can have lactose intolerance and not know it. Even though you may not have the GI symptoms, dairy may be causing gut inflammation leading to permeability and systemic inflammation. This may present as migraines, chronic sinusitis, joint pains, or other health issues. A genomic test would tell you if you can safely eat dairy.

Knowing how much protein to consume can be confusing when looking at a weight loss plan. Studies have shown that the FTO gene impacts weight and body composition via its influence on metabolism, energy expenditure and balance. Research has also established that individuals with a certain variant of this gene lose more body weight, including fat mass, when consuming a moderate-to-high protein diet. But they do NOT show these positive outcomes when consuming a lower protein diet.

Nutrigenomics at the Johnson Center

At The Johnson Center, we use a customized approach using nutrigenomics to formulate a nutrition plan that works for each individual. Our approach focuses not only on weight but on managing chronic disease by developing a program for each individual that specifically addresses genomics, individual and unique metabolic challenges, and lifestyle choices.

Our DNA Optimal Health Report analyzes over 100 different genes with targeted recommendations that you can start implementing today.

Click here to learn more.


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