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Nutrigenomics: The Science of Food, Your Genes and Health

Updated: Sep 26, 2020

The scientific study of individualized genetics and nutrition is known as Nutritional Genomics or “Nutrigenomics”. Nutrigenomics is the branch of genetic research that studies how foods and nutrients affect our genes and how, in return, genetic variations in our genes affect the way we react to nutrients in foods.

Genomics is NOT the same as genetics. Genetics is the study of inherited diseases such as

Cystic Fibrosis. If you have this DNA mutation, then you will get this disease.

Genomics looks at small changes in your DNA called Single Nucleotide Variations or SNPs that do not cause disease but increase your risk or predisposition to a disease. It is all about the environment that we surround our genes in that determine the outcome.

A few years ago, the 1000 genome project was completed, and the outcome showed that we all have around 84 million SNPs in our DNA. These variations are very common and we all have them. Some are minor but others may contribute to the progression of disease.

Current research has shown that it is these genetic variations that are at the heart of all chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, dementia/Alzheimer’s, cancers, diabetes, anxiety/depression, autoimmune diseases, and etc. But unlike genetic mutations, these genetic variations are modifiable. Disease occurs when there is a collision between genes and the world we live in – our environment.

Through the studies of the human genome, researchers and scientists have discovered that different people respond in different ways to different diets. This is because these SNPs in our DNA can have a significant impact on our metabolic efficiency, such as how or what causes us to lose or gain weight, how we processes carbohydrates and fats, how the wrong exercise can increase our inflammation and why many of us have slower resting metabolic rates.

Looking at your carbohydrate and lipid pathways can determine the right diet for each individual not only to maintain a healthy weight but also to avoid the development and progression of chronic complex diseases. Those who have more genetic variations in the glucose metabolism pathways should lower their amount of carbohydrates. Whereas those who have SNPs in their lipid metabolism need to decrease the amount of fats they consume. The Ketogenic diet is not for everyone and can have some critical health implications for many people.

By determining a diet that aligns with your genetic variants and body’s needs, you may find it easier to manage your weight and health simply by changing what and how you eat. With a comprehensive view of your body’s needs, you can ensure you choose the right foods and supplements that help you feel energized and healthy.

There is no ‘one diet for everyone’ and genomic testing is the best method of uncovering your personalized nutrition profile.

Interested in knowing how you should eat for health and longevity? Call 276-235-3205 or email us,, for more information.


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